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List of women in the Bible

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The following is a list of women found in the Hebrew and Christian Bibles. The list appears in alphabetical order.














  • Hadassah– Esther's Hebrew name, before she changed it to conceal her identity and became the queen of Persia and second wife of Ahasuerus. Esther[55]
  • Hagar – Egyptian handmaiden of Sarah, wife of Abraham. Hagar became the mother of one of Abraham's sons, Ishmael. Genesis[56]
  • Haggith – Wife of King David, mother of Adoniyah II Samuel, I Kings, I Chronicles[57][58][59]
  • Hammolekheth – possibly rules over portion of Gilead. I Chronicles[60]
  • Hamutal – Wife of Josiah and mother of "ungodly" sons Jehoahaz and Mattaniah. II Kings, Jeremiah[61][62]
  • Hannah – A prophetess and worshipper at Jerusalem. Mother of Samuel. I Samuel[63]
  • Hazzelelponi – daughter of Etam, tribe of Judah I Chronicles[64]
  • Helah – I Chronicles[65]
  • Hephziba – Wife of King Hezekiah and mother of Manasseh, who undid Hezekiah's good works. II Kings[66]
  • Herodia – Granddaughter of Herod the great, married her uncle Philip, divorced him to marry Philip's half brother Herod Antipas, mother of Salome. "Matthew" [67]
  • Hodesh – one of the wives of Shaharaim I Chronicles[68]
  • Hodiah's wife – I Chronicles[69]
  • Hogla (or Hoglah) – One of the five daughters of Zelophehad who fought and won the right to inherit their deceased father's property. Numbers, Joshua[70][71]
  • Huldah – Prophetess II Kings, II Chronicles[72][73]
  • Hushim – One of the wives of Shaharaim I Chronicles[74]








  • Leah – First wife of Jacob who was given to him in place of Rachel whom he loved. Genesis, Ruth[100][101]
  • Lois, grandmother of Saint Timothy. II Timothy[102]
  • Lo–Ruhamah – Daughter of Hosea and Gomer. Hosea[103]
  • Lydia of Thyatira – the first converted believer after the resurrection, and the first to introduce it in to her household. She was a successful business woman and she was pivotal to the spread of the name of Jesus. Acts[104]












  • Salome #1 – daughter of Herodias. Name in Hebrew reads שלומית (Shlomit) and is derived from Shalom שלום, meaning "peace". Matthew, Mark[173][174]
  • Salome #2 – a follower of Jesus present at his crucifixion as well as the empty tomb. Mark[175]
  • Samaritan woman at the well, or Photine is a well known figure from the Gospel of John
  • SapphiraActs[176]
  • Sarah #1 – wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac. Her name was originally "Sarai". According to Genesis 17:15 God changed her name to Sarah as part of a covenant with Yahweh after Hagar bore Abraham a son Ishmael. Genesis, Isaiah, Romans, Galatians, Hebrews, I Peter[177][178][179][180][181][182]
  • Sarah #2 – wife of Tobias. Tobit[183]
  • Serah – daughter of Asher mentioned briefly in Genesis. Genesis [184]
  • Sheerah – founded three towns. Descendant of Ephraim. I Chronicles[185]
  • Shelomit – mother of blasphemer. Leviticus[186]
  • Shelomit – daughter of Zerubbabel, sister of Meshullam and Hananiah. I Chronicles[187]
  • Shiphrah – one of two midwives who saved the Hebrew boys. Exodus[157]
  • Shua – daughter of Heber that mentioned in 1 Chronicles 7.
  • Susanna #1 – a woman who was nearly sentenced to death due to false adultery accusations before being saved by Daniel. Daniel
  • Susanna #2 – A follower of Jesus. Luke[188]
  • Syntyche – Christian of the church in Philippi mentioned with Euodia [189]







See also



  1. ^ "1 Chronicles 2:15–17 KJV". Bible.com. 12 July 2018.
  2. ^ "1 Samuel 25 KJV". Bible.com. 12 July 2018.I Samuel 25
  3. ^ I Chronicles 2:29
  4. ^ a b II Chronicles 11:18
  5. ^ I Kings 1:3,4; 2:13–25
  6. ^ II Samuel 3:4
  7. ^ a b I Chronicles 3:3
  8. ^ Joshua 15:16–19
  9. ^ Judges 1:12–13
  10. ^ I Chronicles 2:49
  11. ^ Genesis 4:19–23
  12. ^ Genesis 26:34; 36:2
  13. ^ I Samuel 14:50
  14. ^ I Samuel 25:43; 27:3; 30:5, 18
  15. ^ II Samuel 2:2; 3:2
  16. ^ I Chronicles 3:1
  17. ^ Genesis 36:2–25
  18. ^ Luke 2:36–38
  19. ^ Genesis 41:45–50; 46:20
  20. ^ I Chronicles 2:26
  21. ^ II Kings 8:26; 11
  22. ^ II Chronicles 22; 23:13–21; 24:7
  23. ^ I Chronicles 2:18–19
  24. ^ I King 22:42
  25. ^ II Chronicles 20:31
  26. ^ I Chronicles 8:8
  27. ^ Genesis 26:34; 36:10
  28. ^ Genesis 28:9; 36:3, 4, 13, 17
  29. ^ I Kings 4:15
  30. ^ II Samuel 11:2,3; 12:24
  31. ^ I Kings 1:11–31; 2:13–19
  32. ^ I Chronicles 3:5
  33. ^ Genesis 30:3–5, 35:25
  34. ^ 1 Chronicles 4:18
  35. ^ Acts8:27
  36. ^ 2 Timothy 4:21
  37. ^ Numbers 25:6–18
  38. ^ Shectman, Sarah (2009). Women in the Pentateuch: A Feminist and Source-critical Analysis. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press. p. 165. ISBN 9781906055721. Retrieved 14 March 2021.
  39. ^ Acts 17:34
  40. ^ Genesis 35:8
  41. ^ Judges 4–5
  42. ^ Judges 16:4–21
  43. ^ Genesis 34
  44. ^ Acts 9:36–42
  45. ^ II Samuel 3:5
  46. ^ Luke 1:5–80
  47. ^ Exodus 6:23
  48. ^ I Chronicles 2:46
  49. ^ I Chronicles 2:19
  50. ^ Esther (entire book)
  51. ^ 2 Timothy 1:5
  52. ^ Philippians 4:2
  53. ^ Genesis 2–3
  54. ^ Hosea 1:1–11; 3:1–5
  55. ^ Esther 2:7
  56. ^ Genesis 16: 21:9–17; 25:12
  57. ^ II Samuel 3:4,5
  58. ^ I Kings 1:5, 11, 2:13
  59. ^ I Chronicles 3:2
  60. ^ a b I Chronicles 7:18
  61. ^ II Kings 23:31; 24:18
  62. ^ Jeremiah 52:1,2
  63. ^ I Samuel 1:2, 5–20, 22–28; 2:1–10, 19–21
  64. ^ I Chronicles 4:3
  65. ^ I Chronicles 4:5,7
  66. ^ II Kings 21:1
  67. ^ Matthew 14
  68. ^ I Chronicles 8:8,9
  69. ^ I Chronicles 4:19
  70. ^ Numbers 26:33; 27:1–11; 36:1–12
  71. ^ a b c d Joshua 17:3
  72. ^ II Kings 22:14–20
  73. ^ II Chronicles 34:22–33
  74. ^ I Chronicles 8:8, 11
  75. ^ a b Genesis 11:29
  76. ^ Judges 4:17–22; 5:6,24–27
  77. ^ II Kings 15:2
  78. ^ II Chronicles 26:3
  79. ^ II Kings 22:1,2
  80. ^ II Kings 14:2
  81. ^ II Chronicles 25:1
  82. ^ II Kings 11:2
  83. ^ a b Job 42:14
  84. ^ I Chronicles 2:18
  85. ^ II Kings 15:33
  86. ^ II Chronicles 27:1
  87. ^ I Kings 16:31; 18:4–19; 19:1,2; 21:5–25
  88. ^ II Kings 9
  89. ^ Revelation 2:20–23
  90. ^ Luke 8:2–3
  91. ^ Exodus 1; 2:1–11; 6:20
  92. ^ Numbers 26:59
  93. ^ Genesis 26:34
  94. ^ Book of Judith
  95. ^ Romans 16:15
  96. ^ Romans 16:7
  97. ^ Job 1:2; 42:14
  98. ^ Genesis 25:1–6
  99. ^ I Chronicles 1:32, 33
  100. ^ Genesis 29; 30; 49:31
  101. ^ Ruth 4:11
  102. ^ II Timothy 1:5
  103. ^ Hosea 1:6,8
  104. ^ Acts 16:14–15
  105. ^ II Chronicles 11:20–22
  106. ^ 1611 King James Bible. First book of Chronicles, chapter 7, verses 15–16. Archived from the original on April 30, 2015. {{cite book}}: |website= ignored (help) where the Maacah) at the verse 15 may rendered into English with some Hebrew diacritics, differently from the following verse
  107. ^ I Chronicles 7:15–16
  108. ^ Genesis 28:9
  109. ^ a b c Numbers 26:33; 27:1; 36:11
  110. ^ Luke 10:38–42
  111. ^ John 11:1, 5, 19–28, 30, 38–40; 12:2
  112. ^ Matthew 1:16; 1:18–25; 2:11; 2:13–23; 12:46–50; 13:55
  113. ^ Mark 3:31–35; 6:3
  114. ^ Luke 1:26–38, 39–45, 46–56; 2:4–7, 16–20, 22–24, 33–35, 39–40, 41–52; 8:19–21
  115. ^ John 2:1–5, 12; 6:42; 19:25–27
  116. ^ Acts 1:14
  117. ^ Galatians 4:4
  118. ^ Matthew 27:56
  119. ^ Acts 12:6–19
  120. ^ John 11:1–2
  121. ^ John 19:25
  122. ^ Romans 16:6
  123. ^ Matthew 27:55–56; 27:61; 28:1–11
  124. ^ Mark 15:40–41, 47; 16:1–8
  125. ^ Luke 8:2–3; 24:10
  126. ^ John 19:25; 20:1–2, 11–18
  127. ^ a b Genesis 36:39
  128. ^ a b I Chronicles 1:50
  129. ^ 1Samuel 28
  130. ^ I Samuel 14:49; 18:17, 19
  131. ^ "Genesis 36:39"
  132. ^ "I Chronicles 1:50"
  133. ^ I Samuel 14:49; 17:25; 18:20, 25, 27–28; 19:11–14, 17; 25:44
  134. ^ II Samuel 3:13–16; 6:16, 20–23
  135. ^ I Chronicles 15:29
  136. ^ "Genesis 22:20"
  137. ^ Exodus 2:4, 7–9; 15:20–21
  138. ^ Numbers 12:1, 4–5, 10, 12, 14–15; 20:1; 26:59
  139. ^ Deuteronomy 24:9
  140. ^ I Chronicles 6:3
  141. ^ Micah 6:4;
  142. ^ 1 Chronicles 4:17
  143. ^ Genesis 4:22
  144. ^ II Chronicles 12:13
  145. ^ I Chronicles 4:5–6
  146. ^ Ruth 1:1–3, 5–8, 10–22; 2:1–2, 6, 11, 18–20, 22–23; 3:1–6, 16–18; 4:3, 5, 9, 14–17
  147. ^ Numbers 26:33
  148. ^ Nehemiah 6:14
  149. ^ Ruth 1:4, 6–15
  150. ^ I Samuel 1:2, 4, 6–7;
  151. ^ Romans 16:12
  152. ^ Romans 16:1
  153. ^ Acts 18:2, 18–19, 26
  154. ^ Romans 16:3–4
  155. ^ I Corinthians 16:19
  156. ^ II Timothy 4:19
  157. ^ a b Exodus 1:15
  158. ^ Genesis 29:6, 9–13, 16–18, 20–21, 25, 27–30, 31; 30:1–8, 14–15, 22–25; 31:4, 14, 17, 19, 26, 28, 31–35, 41, 43, 50, 55; 32:22; 33:1–2, 5, 7; 35:16–20, 24; 37:10; 43:29; 44:27; 46:19, 22, 25; 48:7
  159. ^ I Samuel 10:2
  160. ^ Jeremiah 31:15
  161. ^ Matthew 2:18
  162. ^ Joshua 2:1–24; 6:17, 22–23, 25
  163. ^ Matthew 1:5;
  164. ^ Hebrews 11:31
  165. ^ James 2:25
  166. ^ Genesis 21:23; 24:15–67; 25:20–26, 28; 26:7–10, 35; 27:5–17, 42–46; 28:2, 5, 7; 29:10, 13; 35:8
  167. ^ Romans 9:10
  168. ^ Genesis 22:24
  169. ^ Acts 12:13–15
  170. ^ II Samuel 3:7
  171. ^ Ruth 1:1–4:22 (entire book)
  172. ^ Matthew 1:5
  173. ^ Matthew 14:6–12
  174. ^ Mark 6:21–29
  175. ^ Mark 15:40, 16:1
  176. ^ Acts 5:1–11
  177. ^ Genesis 11:29–31; 12:5, 11–20; 13:1; 16:1–6, 8–9; 17:15–17, 19, 21; 18:6, 9–15; 20:2–7, 11–14, 16, 18; 21:1–3, 6–7, 9–10, 12; 23:1–3, 19; 24:36; 25:10, 12; 49:31
  178. ^ Isaiah 51:2
  179. ^ Romans 4:19; 9:9
  180. ^ Galatians 4:22–24, 26, 30–31
  181. ^ Hebrews 11:11
  182. ^ I Peter 3:6
  183. ^ Tobit 3:7, 10, 17; 6:11–12; 7:8–10, 12, 16; 8:4; 10:10–12; 11:15, 17; 12:12, 14
  184. ^ "Serah, daughter of Asher: Midrash and Aggadah". Jewish Women's Archive. Retrieved 2023-02-12.
  185. ^ 1 Chronicles 7:24
  186. ^ Leviticus 24:11
  187. ^ I Chronicles 3:19
  188. ^ Luke 8:3
  189. ^ Philippians 4:2–3
  190. ^ Genesis 38
  191. ^ II Samuel 13
  192. ^ II Samuel 14:27
  193. ^ I Kings 4:11
  194. ^ Genesis 36:12
  195. ^ Esther 1:9, 11–12, 15–19; 2:4, 17
  196. ^ Esther 5:10–14; 6:13–14
  197. ^ II Samuel 17:25; 19:21–22; 21:17; 23:18
  198. ^ I Chronicles 2:16
  199. ^ Genesis 4:19, 22–23
  200. ^ [Genesis] 29:24; 30:9–13, 18; 31:33; 32:22; 33:1–2, 5–6; 35:26; 37:2; 46:18
  201. ^ Exodus 2:21–22; 4:20, 25–26; 18:2, 5–6